Sorry it’s been so long since my last update post. I’ve been continually updating the list but haven’t gotten around to making a new post until now, so check out these long overdue updates to the Monster List of UX Books.
Newly Released Books
New Editions
“The two [editions] are very similar. It’s not a total revamp. But I did update some of the ‘things’ with newer research and examples, and replaced a few as well. If you have the first edition already you don’t need to buy the 2nd edition. But if you share the book with others, you might want the new edition, and if you recommend the book to others tell them to get the 2nd edition.”
- Susan Weinschenk
Books Recommended by Users
"It really helped me build a new team and retain top talent. There are also practical strategies here that can help a design team keep themselves full and happy with their work and their life."
- unnamed user

"It's a history of UX and how it's impacting society. I haven't read it but have a copy and can't wait to dive in. As someone with a history degree, I've seen a need for a more historical and anthro view of the impacts of good design."
- unnamed user

"The book is not a direct UX book but it is a critical understanding into the emerging field of "Centaur design" - the understanding that it's not man or machine, it is the combination of the best of both. Humans to ask good questions, AI to provide good answers."
- unnamed user

UX for Development Shops by David Parmelee
"This book addresses a large yet underserved segment of the people who want to learn UX."
- unnamed user

"I wrote it and everybody (except people making monster money promoting design thinking) seems to love some or all of it. It's 394 pages burning down what's hurting the UX industry and building up what we should do instead... so it was hard to find a category that didn't fit. :) Thanks for considering it."
- unnamed user

Conversational UX Design (paid link) by Robert J. Moore & Raphael Ahar
"It is comprehensive and scientific (the lead author is an IBM researcher with a Ph.D in Sociology, specializing in conversation analysis and ethnomethodology) and gives a research-based look at designing CUI/VUI."
- unnamed user

Recommend a book to add to the Monster List.
Book Reviews by Users
Just Enough Research by Erika Hall
"I think this book is great if you are a beginner or need to understand the basics  of research (which you need regardless of whether you're a beginner or not.) That's why I suggested that category. For me the best part about this book is how foundational the information provided is."
- Rebecca Karasik, Rating: 5/5

"This book allows  a team to run their own sessions because it includes templates and example workshop plans. Participants really valued the kind of open communication that this style of workshop created. 
The only downside is that these workshops are time consuming for prep and running (understandably). Many stakeholders will be averse to trying these methods."
- Andrew Garber-Browne, Rating: 4/5

This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World (paid link) by Jakob Schneider, Adam Lawrence, Markus Edgar Hormess, & Marc Stickdorn
"This book was the first one I read as a new UX researcher (with no prior UX experience!). It was meaty and concrete enough to give me the confidence to go out and design/do my own methods. Would recommend for getting into the weeds of research."
- Bronwyn Clarke, Rating: 4/5

"A seminal book that's key to believing the mission of UX and where we came from"
- Alex Mercado, Rating: 5/5

Butterick's Practical Typography by Matthew Butterick
"It's easy to share links to arguments in this book because it's online with no paywall."
- Alex Mercado, Rating: 5/5

"A book that pleasantly explains the processes behind certain behaviors that we sometimes take for granted and that help a lot when coming up with new solutions."
- Carlos Mendoza, Rating: 5/5

"Excellent book to beginners and beyond, the base criteria to web design and mobile"
- Richar Munoz, Rating: 5/5

- Richar Munoz, Rating: 5/5

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